Dialogue avec l'ange (editorial design)
WAD (A.D & photos)
Pizza typeface (poster design)
CORPUS (editorial design & illustration)
Sole and shape (poster design)
VISCÉRAL (poster design, photo by Charlotte Romer)
APF festival (poster design & illustration)
Chaos Entropy (A.D & poster design)
European club night (A.D & poster design)
Poster jam (poster design)
Cocktail Recipe (poster design)
EXTRA (editorial design & A.D)
EXTRA (fanzine conception & illustration)
O- (editorial design)
Le Petit Poucet (editorial design & illustration)
Inconnue à cette adresse (editorial design)
Terrain magazine cover (illustration)
Flower language (D.A & illustration)
Terrain magazine (illustration)
Terrain magazine (illustration)
Once upon a time in the west (A.D & illustration)
EXTRA (stamp design & illustration)
Hybride (A.D & style transfer)
EXTRA (font design & illustration)
Genesis (A.D & film realisation)
Palais de Tokyo (poster design)
Reflex (photos of broken camera screen)
Operator (font design)
EXTRA (font design & video)
Hybride broderie (font design)
DIM (A.D & film realisation)
Que sais-je ? (A.D & editorial design)